Project Desistance, INC

Empowering Second Chances, Redefining Futures

“Studies have shown that inmate participation in education, vocational and job training, prison work skills development, drug abuse, mental health and other treatment programs, all reduce recidivism, significantly.”

Congressman Bobby Scott


Inmates who participated in educational programs while incarcerated have lower odds of recidivating than those who did not.


Individuals with high levels of family support have a higher likelihood of desisting from crime.


Individuals who completed substance abuse treatment programs are less likely to be re-incarcerated.


Participants in reentry programs showed a reduction in recidivism rates compared to non-participants.

Our Services

Guide Your Path to Desistance With Our Range of Services,
Designed to Support Every Step of Your Journey

Recidivism Prevention Program

The Recidivism Prevention Program is a key initiative in our efforts to reduce repeat incarceration. By addressing the root causes of criminal behavior and providing targeted support, the program helps participants build a foundation for a crime-free life, contributing to safer communities and more successful reentry outcomes.

Treatment and Rehabilitation Initiative

Our Programs are designed to address the root causes of criminal behavior among incarcerated individuals, aiming to reduce recidivism and promote successful reintegration into society. The program offers a comprehensive range of evidence-based services, tailored to meet the specific needs of each participant.

Case Management and Support Services

We provide dedicated case managers for comprehensive support, life skills training, and peer support groups to help individuals access public benefits, healthcare, and build community networks.

Community and Family Reunification

We offer family counseling and mediation services, along with community integration programs that provide opportunities for community service and volunteer activities.

From Incarceration to Achievement

Inspiring Success Stories of Formerly Incarcerated Professionals

Join Our Mission To Combat Recidivism

Your contributions help keep families together, prevent crime, and foster a brighter future for our

Be the catalyst that turns dreams into reality—let’s build a future where every individual can overcome recidivism, be empowered, and contribute vibrantly to our community.

80% Donated

Our Testimonials

Voices of The Formerly Incarcerated

James R.

"Project Desistance, INC gave me a second chance at life. With their support, I turned my past mistakes into stepping stones for a brighter future. I’m now working a stable job, reconnecting with my family, and living a life I once thought was impossible."

Maria G.

"Before joining Project Desistance, INC , I felt lost and hopeless. Their comprehensive approach helped me rebuild my life from the ground up. I’ve regained my self-esteem, found meaningful employment, and am finally making positive contributions to my community."

Derek W.

"Project Desistance, INC was a game-changer for me. Their guidance and resources not only helped me find a job but also taught me essential life skills that have helped me stay on track. I’m proud to say I’m now a mentor for others going through the program."

Tina L.

"Project Desistance, INC was a game-changer for me. Their guidance and resources not only helped me find a job but also taught me essential life skills that have helped me stay on track. I’m proud to say I’m now a mentor for others going through the program."

Marko G.

"Thanks to Project Desistance,INC, I’ve transformed my life. Their personalized case management and job readiness training gave me the tools I needed to succeed. I’m now working in a field I love and am committed to helping others who were in my shoes."

Aisha B

. "Project Desistance, INC showed me that a new beginning was possible. Their support helped me address my past, gain new skills, and find stable employment. I’m now focusing on my family and making a positive impact in my community."