Project Desistance, INC

Our Services

At Project Desistance, Inc., our range of services provides a comprehensive support system designed to address immediate needs, promote long-term success, and enhance overall well-being, all with the goal of reducing recidivism.


Recidivism Prevention Program


The Recidivism Prevention Program is a key initiative in our efforts to reduce repeat incarceration. By addressing the root causes of criminal behavior and providing targeted support, the program helps participants build a foundation for a crime-free life, contributing to safer communities and more successful reentry outcomes.

Pre-Release Planning: Tailored planning sessions that prepare individuals for their release, including goal setting, resource identification, and developing a personal action plan for successful reintegration.

Education and Vocational Training: Courses and certifications that enhance employability, empowering participants to secure stable employment and reduce financial pressures that may lead to reoffending.

Family and Social Relationship Building: Programs that strengthen family ties and social networks, helping participants rebuild relationships that are crucial for emotional support and stability.



Treatment and Rehabilitation Initiative

Our Programs are designed to address the root causes of criminal behavior among incarcerated individuals, aiming to reduce recidivism and promote successful reintegration into society. The program offers a comprehensive range of evidence-based services, tailored to meet the specific needs of each participant.

Substance Abuse Treatment: Comprehensive support for individuals struggling with addiction, including detoxification, counseling, and relapse prevention strategies.

Mental Health Counseling: Professional therapy and support for individuals dealing with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other psychological disorders.

Anger Management: Programs focused on helping individuals understand and manage their anger, reducing the likelihood of violent or impulsive behavior.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Structured therapy aimed at changing negative thought patterns and behaviors, helping individuals develop healthier coping strategies.

Trauma-Informed Care: Specialized support for individuals who have experienced trauma, providing a safe environment to process and heal from past experiences.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Initiative

Our Programs are designed to address the root causes of criminal behavior among incarcerated individuals, aiming to reduce recidivism and promote successful reintegration into society. The program offers a comprehensive range of evidence-based services, tailored to meet the specific needs of each participant.

Substance Abuse Treatment: Comprehensive support for individuals struggling with addiction, including detoxification, counseling, and relapse prevention strategies.

Mental Health Counseling: Professional therapy and support for individuals dealing with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other psychological disorders.

Anger Management: Programs focused on helping individuals understand and manage their anger, reducing the likelihood of violent or impulsive behavior.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Structured therapy aimed at changing negative thought patterns and behaviors, helping individuals develop healthier coping strategies.

Trauma-Informed Care: Specialized support for individuals who have experienced trauma, providing a safe environment to process and heal from past experiences.


Transitional Housing Assistance

We offer pre-release planning to create personalized housing plans, provide secure housing options to prevent homelessness, and partner with local housing organizations for stable housing solutions.
● Pre-release Planning: Work with incarcerated individuals prior to their release to
develop a personalized housing plan.
● Safe Housing Options: Provide access to secure and supportive housing
environments upon release, reducing the risk of homelessness.
● Partnerships with Housing Providers: Collaborate with local housing
organizations, shelters, and landlords to secure affordable and stable housing


Financial Literacy Programs

We offer workshops on financial education, one-on-one financial counseling, and job readiness support, including resume writing, job searching, and interview preparation.
● Basic Financial Education: Offer workshops and courses on budgeting, saving,
managing debt, and understanding credit.
● Individual Financial Counseling: Provide one-on-one sessions with financial
advisors to help individuals create personalized financial plans.
● Job Readiness and Employment Support: Assist with resume writing, job
searching, and interview preparation to enhance employability and income


Financial Literacy Programs

We offer workshops on financial education, one-on-one financial counseling, and job readiness support, including resume writing, job searching, and interview preparation.
● Basic Financial Education: Offer workshops and courses on budgeting, saving,
managing debt, and understanding credit.
● Individual Financial Counseling: Provide one-on-one sessions with financial
advisors to help individuals create personalized financial plans.
● Job Readiness and Employment Support: Assist with resume writing, job
searching, and interview preparation to enhance employability and income


Case Management and Support Services

We provide dedicated case managers for comprehensive support, life skills training, and peer support groups to help individuals access public benefits, healthcare, and build community networks.
● Personalized Case Management: Assign dedicated case managers to work
with individuals on a range of needs, including accessing public benefits,
healthcare, and legal aid.
● Life Skills Training: Provide training in essential life skills such as
communication, time management, and problem-solving.
● Peer Support Groups: Facilitate support groups where formerly incarcerated
individuals can share experiences, offer mutual support, and build a community


Community and Family Reunification

We offer family counseling and mediation services, along with community integration programs that provide opportunities for community service and volunteer activities.
● Family Support Services: Offer counseling and mediation services to help
rebuild and strengthen family relationships.
● Community Integration Programs: Create opportunities for individuals to
engage in community service and volunteer activities, fostering a sense of
belonging and purpose.


Community and Family Reunification

We offer family counseling and mediation services, along with community integration programs that provide opportunities for community service and volunteer activities.
● Family Support Services: Offer counseling and mediation services to help
rebuild and strengthen family relationships.
● Community Integration Programs: Create opportunities for individuals to
engage in community service and volunteer activities, fostering a sense of
belonging and purpose.

Project Desistance, INC Support Services

Incarcerated Inmate Referral Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Project Desistance, Inc. is an organization dedicated to creating a brighter future for formerly incarcerated individuals. We provide the tools, resources, and support necessary for them to thrive and make positive contributions to their communities

Our program operates on a referral-only basis. To participate, you must be referred by someone who believes you would benefit from our services. The referral process ensures that we connect with individuals who are most likely to engage with and benefit from our support

Referrals can be made by professionals, mentors, community leaders, or anyone who is familiar with the individual’s situation and believes they would be a good fit for our program.

To refer someone, we need the following information:
● Referrer’s Name
● Referrer’s Phone Number
● Date
● Referrer’s Email
● Name of the Person Being Referred
● Current Facility Where the Person is Housed
● A brief description of why you believe the referred individual would be a strong candidate for our program

We offer a range of services including:
● Personalized case management
● Life skills training
● Job readiness and employment support
● Financial education and counseling
● Family support services
● Community integration programs

You can get involved by referring individuals who might benefit from our services, volunteering your time, or making a financial contribution to support our programs.

Our support includes personalized guidance, access to essential resources, skills training, and opportunities for community engagement. We work to address immediate needs while also focusing on long-term success and overall well-being.

Once a referral is submitted, our team will review the information provided and reach out to the referred individual to assess their needs and determine how best to support them through our program.

Once a referral is submitted, our team will review the information provided and reach out to the referred individual to assess their needs and determine how best to support them through our program.

No, our services are provided free of charge to participants. Our goal is to ensure that financial barriers do not prevent individuals from accessing the support they need.

For more information or if you have additional questions, please contact us at [insert contact information], and our team will be happy to assist you.